This is an emotional month for me…
the month of March.
Sure a time of great celebration with my youngest two having birthdays
within two weeks of each other….
but also so hard emotionally.
For some reason, I have a difficult time with this whole…
getting older thing.
I just wish I could keep them little longer…
maybe even forever.
Close friends of mine would probably tell you that I’m addicted to having babies.
That’s a fact.
I love the whole process….
from preparing my body for pregnancy,
getting that first positive result,
carrying that precious bundle for nine months,
the birthing process,
and meeting my baby for the first time.
I love nursing
{yes… I’m one of those moms!},
I love the tender bonding moments in the middle of the night
when the house is quiet and everyone else is asleep,
I love carrying a baby on my hip,
and the sweet moments when you look in their eyes
and they instantly smile because all they wanted was a second of your attention.
I l o v e i t a l l ….
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Well this baby stage is
coming to an end for me.
I told Husby that he better get snipped because I knew I’d want baby #5 someday.
He decided to go through with the procedure when Mr. Finn was four months old.
I have regretted it ever since.
Perhaps not the route we should have taken…
but I wonder…
would I have ever felt done?
I don’t think so…
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So, here we are.
March 20th, 2013…
our littlest man’s 2nd birthday.
A day of celebration for his sweet life,
all the love he gives,
and all the joy he adds to everyone he meets….
but also a day to look back and remember…
with incredible warmth,
the memories created over the past two years.
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Born on a stormy evening on the first day of Spring…
this little man graced us with his presence
and we instantly fell deeply in love.
We haven’t experienced jealousy issues with the kids.
Although emotionally prepared to handle such issues should they arise…
they never did.
Our older three are just as enamored with him, as Husby and I are.
He is the most adorable little addition
with his dreamy brown eyes,
dimples and curls!
He is already a little clown around here…
striving to make everyone laugh by the things he does.
He is full of energy,
incredibly affectionate,
a little charmer to all he meets,
and a lover of all things big that move — trucks, tractors, trains and trash trucks!
Finner loves to throw absolutely everything
{Husby is hoping he will one day be a NY Yankee!},
loves to draw
{especially on himself and walls},
and play dress-up with his adoring sister…
wearing heels, a handbag and pink sparkly sunglasses!
He lights up with the mere mention of one of his siblings.
We feel so blessed that God entrusted us to love, nurture, and guide this little boy….
our “Mr. Amazing!”
There are no words to describe the immense love we all feel…
so instead,
some photos of the past two years…
First two days of his sweet little life… Ry, Seth & Soph couldn’t stop touching him! I was one tuckered out mama! No drugs again… and a very hard delivery {I’ll spare you the details}!