Bellies and Babies February 20, 2013 From Bellies to Babies has been a small window of time in my life. My babies are 6 and almost 4 (going on 15). As a mother, I do have a small regret. I deeply wish that I had a professional photographer capture my belly {maternity photography} and that I also had the precious moments of our first quiet, yet sleepless days spent at home with my tiny babies. My excuses seem silly to me now, but at the time of my pregnancy with Mason, I had braces, was on and off bed rest, and was working full time. Both times my image of what pregnancy should look like stood in the way of capturing this moment. My pregnancy with Madeline seemed to go by within the blink of an eye, as I was chasing a small toddler around. As mothers, we are often the figures behind the camera and not the one’s in the picture. If I could bestow one small piece of advice to a new mommy, I would say that this part life is very important. The smell and the time I still recollect, but the pictures of my little family together during my pregnancies and the first days… I can’t get back. Luckily, I do know of a wonderful photographer. {Candace Rock Photography} She happened to feel the same way as I do. She has turned her passion into a career of photographing these exact moments so that they can be part of your memory keeping. Here are some of the lovely families she has captured. These photographs are stunning and are a wonderful representation of motherhood. Candace has the talent of catching the right light and feeling of these moments. I truly believe that being a mother has helped her instinct in shooting the emotions and love that her clients will treasure as their family milestones. I am hopeful that a new mommy will toss aside the lack of time and or body image issues of the moment and enjoy being the beautiful mama in front of the camera. As the years pass it will not be a regret but a happy memory. Go over and check out Candace’s website and like her Facebook page where she has updates of upcoming photo sessions and snap shots of her adventures in motherhood.