{weekend} lovelies
Happy Weekend!
Here are some of our favorite finds with focus on keeping things simple {natural, holistic, organic, earthy…. or whatever you’d like to call it}!
We hope that you are able to delve into the articles & videos, find something that makes you think, & hopefully smile!
Enjoy! {xo}
Earthling Month // Whole Foods
I am loving this Earthling Month movement by Whole Foods Market! What is an Earthling, you ask? “Earthlings are people that care about the world around them. Every day during Earth Month, we’re exploring the moments that make us more than human. See what other Earthlings are doing, learn something new, and add a moment of your own via Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.”
What do you do in your home to teach your children about caring for our beautiful planet? We are going to do a small vegetable garden in pots on our porch soon… and are hoping to spend lots of summer days spent rummaging through our local farmer’s markets. We are trying hard to not eat things with labels, and instead… making whole, fresh foods at home.
Living with Less. A Lot Less. // NY Times
The title of this NY Times article speaks for itself. I wish everyone would read this and really take it to heart… Our family is in the process of making some big changes in a quest to simplify our lives which I talked about {here}. What’s your reaction to this piece?