{weekend} lovelies
Happy Weekend!
For this edition of lovelies…
we decided to focus on our sweet littles!
Nicole and I both have birthdays coming up for some of our children,
so we thought it would be the perfect time
to look into party ideas and more!
We also threw in a little Dr. Seuss in honor of his birthday today!
We hope you enjoy some of our favorite finds from this week!
{Yoga with Kids >><< Parents.com}
Are you ready to get your {om} on?
Here are eight yoga poses to do with your kids
that are both playful & fun!
Mini yoga routines can be started with your kids when they reach the age of 18 months.
These poses help kids release extra energy, handle their frustration & even relax before bed!
you’ll be teaching & modeling an exercise routine from a young age,
which has enormous physical & emotional benefits!