Contentment // My Word for 2015
It’s been a while… simply too long, in fact, since I’ve shared a post of our life in photos, or shared my heart through words. I thought the freshness of the New Year was the perfect time to do both. {Hello, 2015!}
If you follow our blog regularly, you may remember that last year I shared a focus word for the year. For 2013… my word definitely would have been TRUST. For 2014, I chose BEAUTY… and for 2015, what seems to be foremost in my heart, is seeking CONTENTMENT.
// Contentment: a state of happiness and satisfaction //
Can we add a little peace to that definition? I for sure could use a little more of that in my life…
Finding contentment… it’s nothing too obscure or profound, just a simple way of being, yet it can seem impossibly hard to get there. This year, my hope is that I am able to soak in feelings of contentment… that it would wash over me, like a fresh rain — by drawing closer to Jesus.
As the years progress, I’ve realized that I try to fill my life with busyness. That I am drawn to a chaotic life {not a dramatic life — but one filled with activity from morning to night}. When things get too comfortable, I immediately seek change and sometimes a distraction. My life has been evidence of this. For instance, the longest I’ve settled in one home is four years. One master’s degree wasn’t enough…. so I earned two. Although so happy and blessed with my four healthy children — I’m always trying to convince my husby into one more! I think ahead, jumping into change, perhaps seeking something that is absent in my life.
Well…. it’s really hit me over the past year or so, what I’m lacking. {Perhaps it was the simple life on the mountain that brought me the greatest perspective.} It isn’t more excitement, more kids, more travel, more romance, more adventure, or more ‘you name it’ {although all of that is a lovely addition!}. It is Jesus. I’ve been trying to fill my life by keeping busy, and by seeking change — instead of filling my life with Him. Although my faith has always been a cornerstone in my life, and so important… I feel like I’ve slipped away from making Him the priority.
So in 2015, my focus is on being more content in my life. To find happiness and satisfaction with my life as it is… in this place, where I am blessed — to now call home, in my relationships, and in my life as a stay-at-home mom.
I know that there is only one way to do this… and it isn’t by setting lofty, hard to reach goals in 2015. I want to solely focus on Him – taking the time to quiet my heart and mind and study the the Bible daily. I want to choose prayer, over trying to figure things out myself. I want to put my hope and trust in Jesus, each and every moment of the day – dying to this world each morning when I wake, and truly living a life of love and joy for Christ. I pray that I can be an example of His love to my children and husband, and a beacon of His grace to others that I encounter.
{On an important sidenote, if you’re looking for a wonderful daily Bible study, please check out She Reads Truth! It’s fantastic, you guys! A big thanks to my beautiful friend, Jenny (who is such an inspiration), for sharing the site with me!}
Just some favorites taken over the past few months… Since our move, life has changed so much. The kids are back in school, we live in an actual neighborhood with people nearby {unlike our street in the mountains}, and we’re busy with the day-to-day runaround again. Life is good though… and I feel so blessed to have this sweet family of mine…

I’m so thankful that, through our move, we now live close to my mom! The kids truly have the best of both worlds…. our house with friends, neighbors, their activities, and their school close by — but also my mom’s beautiful property, in the country, to play, imagine, and explore.

While Husby was working, the kids and I spent an afternoon at my mom’s with my brother and his family. He even taught the older boys how to shoot a BB gun. Seriously, is there anything better?!!

I attempted to take our own holiday card photo this year. {WHY?!!} I really should have done a post on just the outtakes! Seth was hilarious… and a stinker all at the same time! With four kids, I think it may be near impossible to capture them all looking in the same direction. Of course, for anyone else… they’d probably listen, right?!

My mom added chickens… and built the loveliest chicken coop you ever did see! We added a puppy. A cute little Australian Shepherd that we named “Jeter.” We weren’t busy enough with the four kids and two cats, so we thought we’d add a little more crazy, with this not-even-close to housebroken dog! {You know… refer to above as to why I do these things!}

But, he really is cute… and thankfully, he naps just long enough for me to forget his naughtiness and fall in love with him all over again!

The dreamy chicken coop…. my mom made every inch of this space whimsical for her lovely hens!

In the orchard with Gramma…. I hope Miss Blue tucks away these cherished memories in her heart!

So… putting this “life in photos” all together, I noticed that I have no photos of Husby and I with our kids. {Something to work on in 2015!} But this last picture… I can’t get enough of it! I love my family so much! Hoping for many more afternoons spent like this one!

I hope that you’ll think about, and share your personal focus word! Happy 2015, friends! Wishing you all a year of great faith, hope, happiness, good health, and an abundance of love in the New Year!